IRCTC Tatkal Ticket Explained
Common public who want to travel by train can do railway ticket booking under 'tatkal scheme' started by railway. It is quite popular among people who haven't done reservation in advance. Indian Railway online booking site - irctc.co.in also allows booking of tatkal tickets online over the internet. This is known as IRCTC tatkal booking.IRCTC Tatkal Timing
The tatkal ticket booking timings starts one day before the actual date of departure of train at 10 am. The authorized agents of railway and Irctc can do booking between 10 am to 12 am only.If you want to get a guidance on how to do tatkal booking then look no further than the Irctc tatkal booking guide which gives complete explanation about it. Please note that Tatkal bookings are allowed in all classes except First AC and Executive class and is exclusive of seats reserved under general and ladies quotas.
IRCTC Tatkal Login
The IRCTC tatkal ticket booking process is simple. One proceeds in a similar manner as one would do while booking normal railway tickets. As always first step is to login to IRCTC eTicketing site - irctc.co.in and plan your journey. Only thing which is different is choosing "tatkal" under "select quota". The picture shown below makes it crystal clear. It is a snapshot taken during the real online reservation. Here the reservation system lists the train between the two stations that user entered at the start of reservation process to find trains. The page that lists table of trains has quota's like "general", "physically handicapped", "ladies", and "tatkal" mentioned at the top. Only one of these can be selected by using a radio button. This is where one needs to select "tatkal" option.
People must keep in mind few things before buying the tatkal tickets -
- Identity proof needs to be produced or a self attested photo copy of ID is to be attached along with railway reservation form. If one is buying tickets online at IRCTC's reservation site i.e. irctc.co.in one has to mention the reference number of the ID. The same identity card must be carried by one of the passenger's in the train.
- No refund is given back in case of cancellation of confirmed tatkal ticket.
- Under this scheme only 4 passengers can be booked at a time.
- Keep your ticket safe with yourself since no duplicate tickets are issued by railway under this scheme.
- Name of passenger cannot be changed.
Indian Railways Tatkal Booking Scheme
You must be wondering - what is the need of tatkal scheme? The thing is, although the reservation can be done in any train 60 days in advance, fact remains that many people don't plan their journey so early. By the time the tour plan is finalized, it is often too late, as such the irctc seat availability status check shows "not available," meaning seats aren't available in the train. Then the question arises - Is there any chance to get a confirmed ticket i.e. a confirmed seat in train? The answer or solution to this problem is "indian railways tatkal ticket booking scheme".What is IRCTC Tatkal Booking Software?
There is no doubt about the fact that
the demand of "tatkal tickets" is huge among people. Everyday millions
of people open their computers at 10 am with hope to get these tickets.
Few lucky ones do get them, while many others are left without tickets.
Due to small availability of these tickets coupled with huge demand,
tatkal tickets are sold out within hours of opening of online ticket
booking window. Sighting the need for tickets many people have developed
software that can emulate the online ticket booking process thus
enabling fast booking of tickets. The so called "tatkal booking
software" are designed so that booking can be done before time.
Developers incorporate many tricks into the algorithm which aid in
faster booking. Also time consuming tasks, like entering passenger
details, are automated using such a software application thereby
increasing the chances of successfully booking a railway ticket.
Need of Checking Tatkal Availability
One must note that while the chances of getting confirmed seat in train increases manifold using IRCTC tatkal booking process, it is not written in stone that you will always get a confirmed ticket. It is also important to choose the right train. You should choose a train in which there are maximum vacant seats available. This can be easily known by looking at the next 7 days tatkal availability report.Above info reference : irctcloginindia.co.in/2014/12/irctc-tatkal-booking-timings.html
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